Acting with Intent. Acting with Strategy

Measuring performance is important in any activity or development, so adequate feedback can be provided. But so many of our business activities are subjective and difficult to measure. Even objective measures should be questioned. In marketing, I like to use three...


Wikipedia is one of the amazing case studies of the digital age. It managed to use almost entirely free labour to take down the $1billion competition, Encyclopedia Britannia. A business with just a couple of employees, manages to get 99.9% of its work done not only...

What is a Professional?

The internet has given rise to overnight experts. Some amazing musicians’ careers have taken a huge leap by being discovered on the internet and going viral. It’s also a place full of people doing what they are passionate about. People creating websites that they are...

Have A Plan

After a couple of beers last night, I was unloading the dish washer this morning and dropped a coffee mug. The mug fell and broke on the floor. That should be the end of the story, but I tried to catch the mug and ended up breaking the one I held in the other hand....

Information Overload

We live in an era where information has never been so readily available. The phone you are probably reading this from has considerably more computing power than those used in the moon landings. We can access information from all around the world, quicker than ever...

Competition and Networks

A great benefit I learnt from my time running competitively is the ability to use competition for mutual benefit. If a group of runners are together late in a race, working together to keep the pace delivers a better outcome for all (an old personal blog post here if...