Decision-making in business has changed

This week I’ve had 3 phone calls from farmers looking for help. They have missed opportunities with their marketing that they are only just becoming aware of after talking to friends or neighbours. When I was a kid, dad used to work on the farm all day, then come home...

Work Smarter

Yesterday, I spent around 3 hours sorting out 1 load of barley. I’ve just finished the invoicing for it now and reflecting on the process. The grower was busy. He was trying to crutch lambs and get harvesting while fixing a broken-down truck. On the flip side, the...

Progress needs to be acknowledged

The following map and table shouldn’t go together. Australia is a dry continent. When we have a dry season, food production is significantly hampered. At least, that’s what history has told us. But today’s farmers have learnt from the past. They have collaborated on...

Data and its ownership

Data, it’s ownership and privacy have been a hot topic of conversation this year in ag. Who owns what? Who should have access to your data? Or even, what data should be available for purchase? The conversation I’m interested in isn’t about finger-pointing, it’s about...

How Much Do I Sell?

I was asked the question recently about hedge profiles and how it’s best determined. A hedge profile is simply put, what percentage of grain is going to be sold at various times of the year. The fact is however, that it’s a complex answer and one that needs the...