While much of the world sits idle, agricultural workers continue business as usual, seeding, spraying, fertilising.

I talk a lot about meaningful work. Does your work have meaning? Or is it just filling in the day and paying the bills?

Farmers probably don’t think about this too much, as they have jobs to do every day. Stock to feed, weeds to spray, pumps to fix.

But the reality is for much of the workforce, the world still continues if their job goes away.

I’m encouraging farmers to take this essential label seriously. Take measures to protect your business. Don’t brag on social media about how vital you are. Make smart decisions to protect your family, staff, and business.

And remember that people judge us, not on the events that happen to us, but on how we respond to the events that happen to us.

This has the potential to be great for agriculture, but we have to earn it.